For a Nicer Life -Let Go of Expectations
When it comes to meditation it is very important to let go of the expectations we put on ourselves and of the meditation itself. We need to take all these pressures off ourselves. It’s really unkind to expect so much. Particularly as Meditation is one of the hardest things you can do.
We expect our mind to be instantly clear. We expect to feel better straight away. We expect to be able to concentrate for long periods of time even though we haven’t been practising for very long. And if any of these things aren’t happening we naturally feel disappointed, a sense of failure or that something is wrong.
We expect so much when we first start and this is just another layer of suffering that we put on top of everything. And it’s not just in a meditation practice we do this – is it? When you really look we do this throughout our entire waking day.
So if you can ease off from the expectations you place on yourself and of the meditation itself, slowly and gradually, you’ll start to ease off on the expectations of yourself and your life.
You expect too much and we put too much pressure on ourselves today and ultimately it’s just not kind. If you follow this advice in your meditation practice you’ll have a much lovlier experience. All the best. I wish you well.
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