With training and experience in the main evidence-based psychotherapies, we work flexibly and collaboratively, tailoring therapy to the needs of each person we see.
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
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What Our Clients Say
We only use Evidence-Based Therapy
There is a great deal of research evidence to show that CBT therapy has worked effectively in treating a wide range of emotional and physical health conditions. This research has been carefully reviewed by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), which provides independent, evidence based guidance for the NHS on the most effective ways to treat disease and ill health for the NHS. CBT therapy is recommended by NICE as the first line treatment for many conditions.
Mindfulness Meditation Techniques to help you feel more connected to the present moment. Learn how to recognise and accept the feelings and emotions you’re experiencing through tried and trusted strategies.
Guided meditation to equip you with valuable tools to manage your thoughts. Practice for just 20 – 30 minutes per day to reap the life changing benefits of this ancient practice.
Workplace therapy is a vital tool for human resources in the modern world. Work based stress is experienced by 35% of employees. Tackling work based stress within the workplace not only shows you’re actively protecting your staff, it also helps the productivity and overall morale of your teams.
I can offer help and support to your employees either one 2 one or in group sessions even for those who are currently struggling but would find the techniques useful.
Frequently Asked Questions
CBT Therapy is a talking therapy that helps us to become aware of and change our “unhelpful thoughts and “unhelpful behaviours”. The CBT model says that it is our “unhelpful thoughts” that create our distressing and overwhelming emotions which often lead to negative behaviour and unwelcome physical changes in our bodies. So by changing the way we think and creating a kinder, balanced and more realistic thinking style, we can alleviate a large part of our own emotional distress and “problems”.
The CBT model also says that our “unhelpful behaviour patterns” cause us to then think in an “unhelpful way” which then causes all the difficulties and changes we have just mentioned.
So by recognising and changing our “unhelpful behaviour into more “helpful behaviour” we can reduce the difficulties we are unknowingly creating for ourselves.
CBT Therapy, unlike some of the other talking treatments, mainly focuses on the ‘here and now’ problems and difficulties. Instead of focusing on the causes of your distress or symptoms in the past, it looks for ways to improve your state of mind right now. If we do need to discuss past issues we only will do so in relation to how those events have affected your thinking and behaviour in the present day.
CBT has been shown to help with many different types of problems. These include: Anxiety, Depression, Panic, Phobias (including Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety), Stress, Insomnia, Bulimia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Bipolar -Disorder and Psychosis.
CBT can also help if you have difficulties with Anger, a low opinion of yourself or physical health problems, like Pain or Chronic Fatigue.
CBT can help you to make sense of overwhelming problems by breaking them down into smaller parts. This makes it easier to see how they are connected and how they affect you. These parts are:
Situation – a problem, event or difficult situation.
From this can follow:
- Thoughts:
- Emotions
- Physical feelings
- Actions
Although CBT is a therapy that predominantly focuses time, effort, change, and attention on the things that are creating an experience in the present day. CBT does not just stop there. CBT also recognises that our past has a huge influence on who we are in the present day. How we think and how we behave. For a therapist to disregard or ignore this fact when treating a patient is a kind of professional negligence. For a client or patient to be blind to this fact is also extremely unhelpful and often a barrier to their recovery.
Our minds are a creation of every experience we’ve had in the past good and bad, pleasant and unpleasant, nice not nice, wanted not wanted. The way that you think, the things you believe about yourself, about other people and the world and life itself are a direct consequence of the past creating and shaping the mind you have right now in the present day.
Many behaviours that we do in the present day whether it is to protect yourself, whether it is to fix something about ourselves that we believe is wrong, or whether it’s just to compensate for some perceived inadequacy or failure inside of us. All have their roots in the past and past experiences. Other more easily recognised behaviours ie Avoidance behaviours, safety behaviours, OCD behaviours. addiction behaviours eating behaviours all stem from the past.
BF Skinner the renowned Behaviourist famously said “Man is a product of his past experiences.” Although his quote adds weight to the fact that CBT Therapy should consider the past when working with clients. However, what Skinner said is not actually correct. Your mind is in fact the creation of your past experiences, not you. This is a very important distinction.
CBT Therapy London: Articles
CBT Therapy and Grounding Objects.
Grounding objects are used in CBT Therapy particularly when someone is...
20 Things That Make Intrusive Thoughts Worse
20 Things That Make Intrusive Thoughts Worse We've spent a look of time...
Does Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT Therapy) and Mindfulness Help Pure O or Intrusive Thoughts?
Does CBT Therapy Cure Pure O or Intrusive Thoughts? Does CBT Therapy Cure...
Where to find us:
25 Cabot Square, London E14 4QZ